Kicking off this new year with a pronunciation poem and the plans for RnR this year. So a little bit of a different episode today, but as always.... keep on ROCKin'!
Pronunciation Poem:
Here is the poem from the episode, remember to practise it with me on the podcast!
A new beginning, a fresh start,
A chance to chase the dreams that live in our heart.
To leave behind the pain and the strife,
And embrace a future filled with life.
A new year, a new chance,
To chase our dreams and learn to dance.
To take a risk and step out of our comfort zone,
And see where the winds of change have blown.
So let us celebrate this moment divine,
And embrace the possibilities that are all ours to find.
Here's to a new beginning, full of love and light,
May it be a journey that is filled with delight.
Free Trial Lesson:
On Thursday (12th January), I am doing TWO live lessons on Zoom and they are totally FREE!
The lessons are at the following times:
The lessons are a taster lesson of my new online course Fluency via Pronunciation & Storytelling which will be starting on 23rd January.
So I am inviting you to come along to this free lesson, just to check it out and have a bit of fun!
The lessons are LIVE, so I will (obviously) be there and it would be great if you could come along to say hello!
How to Reserve your Place for the Lesson:
Just click one of the links below, then insert your name and email address and that's it!
After you insert your name and email address above, you will immediately receive an email with the Zoom link for the call.
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Reviews REALLY help me as they help more people find the show. So if you have 30 free seconds, please leave my a review.